Understanding your credit score is the first step to using credit responsibly. Nevertheless, simply knowing your credit score is insufficient. You ought to have the ability to review and analyse your credit report. This might assist you in understanding and identifying any contributing variables to your low credit score. Also, if the individual is aware of any inaccuracies in the report, they can be corrected.
Today, Bajaj Finserv Ltd has now Bajaj Finserv Ltd, TransUnion Cibil Launch Credit Pass. TransUnion Cibil Launch Credit Pass. Bajaj Finserv Ltd Launch Credit Pass Credit Customers may track their financial health and check their credit ratings with this innovative new service. The annual cost of the service is Rs 99.
Lenders, especially banks and non-banking financial institutions (NBFCs), frequently review credit ratings prior to giving secured and unsecured credit, such as loans and credit cards. Creditworthiness is assumed to be correlated with a good credit score, and vice versa.
Prior to choosing the credit pass option, users must first check in to the Bajaj Finserv website. Users will be requested to enter their mobile number so that a one-time password can be generated, and the registration process can be finished.
Also Read : Credit Pass in India: Objectives, Importance & Process
Simply said, this figure reflects a student’s grades, which are purely determined by how well he performed on prior assessments. We can determine the student’s ability to perform well on subsequent exams based on this score. In other words, we can determine whether he would “Pass” or “Fail” his subsequent exams based on this score.
The student is the borrower in terms of the financial environment; the previous exams are the previous loans/credits he has taken; the grades obtained from the previous borrowing activity are his CIBIL Score; and “Pass” refers to the borrower’s prompt and complete repayment of his borrowing, while “Fail” refers to the borrower’s failure to repay the borrowing.
Credit Pass, a first-of-its-kind subscription powered by India’s largest credit bureau CIBIL, was recently launched by Bajaj Finserv to help our customers gain real-time access to their Credit Health Reports, track their repayment history, and receive a slew of offers on loans, credit cards, and other financial products.
Customers can check their credit score as many times as they wish and examine their financial status using programmes such as credit score simulator.
The Bajaj Finserv Credit Pass allows you to monitor and analyse your credit health. You may sign up for the Credit Pass in less than two minutes. You will be issued a 12-digit unique number that will allow you to check your credit score as often as you like. Your Credit Pass also includes information to assist you in improving your credit score and increasing your chances of obtaining a loan or credit card.
Credit pass application procedure
- Step 1: Create an account for the Credit Pass by clicking the Sign-up icon at the top of this page.
- Step 2: Provide your contact information, such as name and phone number.
- Step 3: Confirm your identity by entering an OTP sent to your cell phone.
- Step 4: You will be transferred to the payment page, where you must complete the Pass payment.
- Step 5: Pay a nominal fee of Rs. 99 to obtain your Credit Pass.
The creditworthiness of a client is shown by their credit score, which ranges from 300 to 850. The better a borrower seems to potential lenders, the higher their score.
A credit score is based on a person’s credit history, including the number of open accounts, total amount of debt, history of repayment, and other elements. Credit scores are used by lenders to determine the likelihood that a borrower would make timely loan repayments. The market for gathering, examining, and disseminating data about consumers in the credit markets is dominated by this trio.
Set up recurring reminders to make sure your loan EMIs and credit card bills are paid on time. Keep previous credit cards to help you build your credit history. Control your credit usage to maintain a high utilisation ratio. Try not to take on too much debt at once and attempt to pay off one loan before taking on another. Combine secured and unsecured loans to build credit.